Sunday, April 11, 2010

せつない サミシイ 悲しいときも

せつない サミシイ 悲しいときも


Today is the day where LDH SHOP TOKYO starts selling Love’s one man live tickets which will begin in May.
To everyone who went, thank you! ^__^ There were a lot of people who went to line up from the morning and that made us happy. ♪
There were people who came from Sapporo to Fukushimaken. To those who purposely came from far to buy our tickets, thank you so much!! We really felt the “LOVE” from everyone! *^^*)
We received many love letters, thank you! We will treasure them! ♪
Please enjoy our LIVE! ^ー^)We will work hard!
As for today, we will introduce one of the new tracks in the album called “Setsunai Samishi Sabashii toki mo” (o^∀^o)
*FYI* Setsunai = Painful , Samishi = Loneliness , Kanashii = Sadness 
So it means, The times of Pain, loneliness and sadness

This song was composed and written by the brilliant green’s okuda Shunsaku and Kawase Tomoko. We did the recording together. We really enjoyed it and had time to concentrate on a lot of things.
You will too, able to experience the feeling “Love” as we sang via like the awakening of love.
We sang as if there’s someone you loved and will like to convey your feelings directly; normally those words that you don’t say, like please listen to me since you are next to me…
In short, we conveyed the feelings of “a girl who has a person in front of her that she likes but she couldn’t say anything”
To those who fall in love, we hope that you experience a high tension when you listen to this song… With this, we hope you experience a new “Love” song.
Please listen to this song. (*^^*)

(thanks ayamex4ever for the translations :D)

今 日はLDH SHOP TOKYOにて5月からスタートするLoveのワンマンライブチケットの即売会を行いました!!!


中には札幌や福島から来ました。という方もいて、本当に遠いところからわざわざ来てくださってありがとうございました☆みんなにちゃんと手渡し出来てかな りLoveを感じました(*^^*)



そして…今日紹介する曲は、アルバムの中の新曲の『せつない サミシイ 悲しいときも』です(o^∀^o)

この曲はthe brilliant greenの奥田さんと川瀬さんに作詞作曲をしていただいた曲で、レコーディングも一緒にやってくださったんですが…本当に楽しくて、たくさんいろんな事 を吸収出来た時間でした。





2010-04-11 00:00:07
