Monday, April 12, 2010

I wish you

I wish you

Today I’m at the midst of camping in fukouka.
It sudden, but I will let you guys know this.
Today at 24:15, we, Love, will be live on kyushuu’s asahi programme called “Doeemo” !! I’m sure those in kyushuu watch this programme so please check us out. We will expose our “precious feelings” there (^___^)
The other show we will be on is on 25:29 nippon television’s “kokuma no bea heya” You will be seeing a side of Love that you haven’t seen as we will be talking on our private life and love life so please watch it!
And, finally tomorrow’s the day our 1st album is out on sales in stores. ( *^^) I guess those people who are quick will be able to get the album tomorrow?
I’m feeling kinda excited now ☆
I love this kind of feeling.
And for today, I will introduce you “I wish you”
This song was composed by us for Toyota’s wish project.
With everyone’s messages about their wishes and dreams that we accumulate, this has become a support song to all.
We received many message but.. as compared to yourself fulfilling your dreams, fulfilling dreams for the sake of another person made us moved.
No matter what happen, you have to believe in yourself and move on. In sort, the message is about this kind of courage.
Before Love was formed, we weren’t able to put in effort for our lessons. But we know that we may have a chance.. We know there’s a lot of concerns from everyone such as  “how are you doing” and “are you okay” to us Love… As such, we hope to work hard to on things we like.
After hearing this song, let’s make our dreams come true together with Love!!!

(thanks ayamex4ever for the translations :D)

今 日も福岡キャンペーン中です(^ー^)ノ


今日24:15からKBC九州朝日放送の番組「ドォーモ」に私達Love、生出演します!!九州の方はみなさんご覧いただけると思いますので、ぜひ Checkしてください☆『大切なキモチ』も披露しちゃいます(^ー^)

他にも今日は…25:29から日本テレビで放送される「小熊のベア部屋」の番組にも出演します♪日常生活の話や恋愛話やみなさんがまだ知らないLoveが 見れると思ういますので、ぜひご覧ください~!!!



そんな今日は…『I wish you』を紹介します!!!

この曲はTOYOTAさんのWISH PROJECTから出来た曲で…私達が作詞をした曲。

みなさんの『I WISH~』という願いや夢を集めたメッセージを見て、そんな方に向けての応援ソングです。



Loveとして出会うまでは…日々レッスンをこつこつと頑張る事しか出来なくて、だけどいつかチャンスはやってくるし…みんなも『どうしよう~』『大丈夫 かな~』と思う事はたくさんあると思いますが…自分の好きな事は自分を信じて頑張ってほしいです◎


2010-04-12 20:35:45
